
A supplement to MixinFeatureFlagManager that allows extension via FeatureFlagManagerMixin.currentValueOfOrNull.

Implementations of this interface can opt to handle 1 or more FeatureFlag types. For example, if we want to add a mixin that supports JSON, we could do so with the following code.

class JsonFeatureFlagMixin : FeatureFlagMixin {

override fun <T : FeatureFlagOption> currentValueOfOrNull(
flag: FeatureFlag<T>,
store: FeatureFlagDataStore,
): T? = when (flag) {
is SomeJsonFeatureFlag<T> -> decodeJson(store.getString(flag.key))
else -> null

abstract fun <T : FeatureFlagOption> decodeJson(flag: FeatureFlag<T>): T



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abstract fun <T : Any> currentValueOfOrNull(flag: FeatureFlag<T>, store: FeatureFlagDataStore): T?

Get the current value for flag as T from store. This function will return null if this FeatureFlagManagerMixin does not handle flag.